Design for a memorial plaque for the Brühl Palace, 2020
Design for a memorial plaque for the Brühl Palace, 2020

In consultation with the Freundeskreis Schlösserland Sachsen and the donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, Christoph Wetzel created two designs: one for a memorial plaque to Count Heinrich von Brühl with a portrait of the eminent prime minister, and the other for a bronze plaque referring to the former Brühl Palace.

However, permission was required from the Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement (SIB) (“Sachsen State Real Estate and Construction Management”), the users of the building, and the Untere Denkmalschutzbehörde der Landeshauptstadt Dresden (“Dresden Lower Monument Protection Authority”) before the plaque could be attached to the Ständehaus. The Monument Protection Authority initially opposed any placement of a memorial plaque. The application process dragged on for two years and ended with a compromise in April 2022: the installation of a bronze plaque with a frontal view of the Brühl Palace was approved, and the plaque with a portrait of the prime minister was refused.

This project was funded by:


Landkreis Bautzen


Förderverein Seifersdorfer Schloss e.V.


Freundeskreis Schlösserland Sachsen e.V.

Freundeskreis Schlösserland Sachsen e.V.

In Kooperation mit Schlösserland Sachsen |
Stauffenbergallee 2a | 01099 Dresden | Telefon +49 3521 4920797 | Telefax +49 351 56391-1009 | | www.freundeskreis-schlö