Weidlitz Estate (Photo: Matthias Donath)
Weidlitz Estate (Photo: Matthias Donath)

Weidlitz Estate near Bautzen came into the possession of the prime minister of Saxony in 1746. He bought the estate from Jacques Le Coq, but sold it at a loss to the Dresden chancery secretary Friedrich Philipp Lingke in 1749. Through his daughter, the property passed to the Hermann family, who managed the estate until 1945. Nothing has survived from the Brühl period. The manor house was rebuilt in 1842-43. The estate was dissolved in 1945.

Today: The manor house is privately owned. It cannot be visited.

This project was funded by:


Landkreis Bautzen


Förderverein Seifersdorfer Schloss e.V.


Freundeskreis Schlösserland Sachsen e.V.

Freundeskreis Schlösserland Sachsen e.V.

In Kooperation mit Schlösserland Sachsen | www.schloesserland-sachsen.de
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