Pesterwitz Manor (photo: Matthias Donath)
Pesterwitz Manor (photo: Matthias Donath)

The estate of Pesterwitz did not come into being until 1651. The electoral secretary Christian Reichbrodt von Schrenkendorf created it from four farms he had acquired and had the manor house that still exists today built. In 1737 Count Heinrich von Brühl bought this estate, probably as a capital investment.

In 1740 he sold it to Friederike Sidonie von Nimptsch, née von Hanstein. The Pesterwitz estate remained in the hands of this family until 1806 and passed to the barons Dathe von Burgk in 1819. In 1945 the property was expropriated. The run-down manor house was renovated and partially rebuilt in 2002-03. There is no reminder of Count Brühl on site.

Today: Pesterwitz manor house is used as a residential and commercial building.

This project was funded by:


Landkreis Bautzen


Schloss Seifersdorf


Freundeskreis Schlösserland Sachsen e.V.

Freundeskreis Schlösserland Sachsen e.V.

In Kooperation mit Schlösserland Sachsen |
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